CRONM was present during the February 11, 2020 Initial Presentation. The remaining meetings were adjourned because of COVID-19.

The Presentations can be viewed by clicking below:

Initial Presentation

Final Presentation

Legal Notice


Videos have not been posted by the District and we will update when they will be posted.

A big thank you to Mr. McDaid. He really listened to residents concerns about simplifying the explanation of the budget and adjusted accordingly.

CRONM’s take and bullet summary:

  • The tax cap for 2020-20201 year will not be pierced if current budget is approved.  

  • The total estimated revenue from our taxes for the 2020-2021 year is $34,371,864.00. That is up 1,263,995.00 from the prior year or 3.82% increase.

  • Administrative costs (Seniak and Administrative salaries) continued to rise. Total figure for 2020-2021 year is $4,477,343. Between 2017 and 2020, budget Administrative Costs increased $317,347.00.

  • Budget did decrease in 2020-20201 $61,004 to $4,628,979.

If anyone has questions regarding the budget, please feel free to contact Mr McDaid directly via email or phone. 

February 11, 2020 Board Meeting-Town Hall Meeting never held in November

Meeting Minutes and Agenda can be viewed by clicking below:



Video of the Board Meeting can be viewed by clicking below:


CRONM requested an explanation on a business item, CBIZ Evaluation service. We questioned if this service has anything to do with selling the property behind Fayette. Action: C.on the Agenda related to The Board of Education approving entering into an agreement with CBIZ Valuation Services to provide property valuation services for the school year ending June 30, 2020. Cost not to exceed $3,800. Mr. McDaid stated this is an unfunded mandate and it's done every year. This service has nothing to do with selling land.

Town Hall meeting could not get scheduled due to many calendar conflicts. Board discussed resetting the town hall to June/July and possibly September/October

Next board meeting is March 10, 2020.

January 14, 2020 Board Meeting-EID Holiday not on 2020-2021 Calendar

Meeting Agenda and Minutes can be viewed by clicking below:



Video of the Board Meeting can be viewed by clicking below;


The 2020-2021 Calendar has been issued, voted and approved by Board. EID holiday not listed as a District holiday.

Vote on the holiday and whether to add to calendar was apparently done in Executive Session. Not sure why this was a topic of Executive Session.

Next Board meeting February 11, 2020.

December 10, 2019 Board Meeting--Board Still has not made Decision on EID Holiday

Meeting Minutes and Agenda can be viewed by clicking below. Videos have not been posted. We will update as soon as they are posted.



Rania Elbaz continued to bring up and inquire status on the Board’s position regarding EID holiday. Residents started an online petition, which was provided to board tonight. Residents of the district have expressed their views in petition and stated that this is the community that votes for board members. She commented that attendance only provides a small part of the story because many students choose not to miss school. She requested that the board give the children the opportunity to celebrate their holiday.

Next Board meeting is January 14, 2020.

November 12, 2019 Board Meeting-EID Holiday not Discussed or Voted on by Board

Meeting Agendas and Minutes can be viewed by clicking below. Videos of the Meeting have not been posted by the district. We will update should it be posted by District.



Alot of North Merrick residents voiced their concerns and opinions as to why the Board was not voting on whether to include EID as an official holiday during school year. The residents remarked that they had been to several board meetings and questioned the progress in adding Eid to the school calendar. While there is no legal obligation for the day off, residents wanted the the Board to add it to school calendar. Residents began to question the delay and felt that constant excuses by Board was indicative of a personal bias. Ms. Ryan stated on behalf of the Board that none of the trustees is biased, and she assured resident that excuses are not being given.

Next Board meeting is scheduled for December 10, 2019.

October 7, 2019 Board Meeting--Board Continues to Discuss EID Holiday

Meeting Agenda and Minutes can be viewed by clicking below. Video of the meeting has not been posted on the website. We will update as soon as video is posted.



Rania Elbaz, North Merrick resident, continued to address the Board on status of Board approving EID as a holiday for the upcoming school year. EID is a religious holiday celebrated by Muslims worldwide that marks the end of the month-long dawn-to-sunset fasting of Ramadan. It falls on different days each year. This year it falls on July 30 and 31st. Sometimes it falls during the school year. During those times, district will mark day for holiday and not give homework. However, Ms. Elbaz was questioning why the district did not earmark that day as a day off like Christmas and Yom Kippur. Board will seek advise of counsel and revisit issue at next board meeting held on November 12, 2019.


Meeting started on time Agenda and Minutes can be viewed by clicking below. Video of meeting has not been posted by the board on district website. We will update as video becomes available.



CRONM brought up the vote on use of comment cards. Meg Ryan advised that Board would visit and vote on the use of cards during unfinished business.

Meg Ryan made a motion to eliminate use of comment cards. Robert Crowley seconded the motion. The Board then discussed the use of comment cards. The discussion was in public as it should have been all along .

Gordon asked Ryan why the motion was made. Ryan stated, because the residents have expressed their dislike for the cards and desire to have them eliminated. It is Board’s job to listen to residents. Gordon then remarked that she was the mastermind behind the cards being introduced in 2018. She thought the cards were a great idea and kept order during meetings. Corona, Lentini and Miller all voiced their support for the continued use of the Comment Cards.

After much back and forth there was a vote on this motion. Final Resolution: Motion Failed Yes: Megan Ryan, Robert Crowley, Steve Enella No: Vincent Lentini, Tracey Miller, Michelle Gordon, Ed Corona.

No surprise that Gordon, Corona, Miller and Lentini all voted as one united block and continued to ignore the voice of residents and push their own agenda.

The Board of Education agreed to hold its first town hall meeting on November 20, 2019 at 7:00 PM at the North Merrick Library.

Next Board meeting is December 10, 2019.


With Meg Ryan running meetings, they have become efficient, drama free and shorter. Link to Meeting Agenda an Minutes and be viewed below.



Video of the Meeting has not been posted on District website. We will update this post when the video will be posted.

At the start of meeting, during the public comments, CRONM, once again, brought up vote and discussion on use of comment cards. Back in 2018, prior Board, voted in Executive Session to begin using comment cards during Board Meetings. Such issues were improper to be discussed or voted on during Executive Session. Residents were not happy with the decision to use cards. Meg Ryan advised that Board would discuss and vote on whether to continue to use this practice during new business.

However, when it came to the new business portion of the meeting, the Board voted to continue with the discussion and vote during the September 10, 2019 Meeting.


Meeting was efficient and free from drama. Agenda for meeting can be viewed below:


Meeting Minutes

District has not posted video of this meeting. We will update this post with videos when they are posted.

Meg Ryan was elected President and Michelle Gordan Vice-President

Meg Ryan recommended that Board consider scheduling town hall meeting during the school year so that residents can learn more about Board and speak to trustees in a more informal setting.

Next Board meeting August 13, 2019


Meeting was interesting. As we posted earlier on our facebook page, the district posted the agenda for June 11, 2019 Board Meeting. The agenda can be viewed by clicking below.


We were surprised to see that the Board had approved an amendment to Dr. Seniak' s current contract and was directing the Board President to execute such an amendment.

As CRONM posted on April 9, 2019, Dr. Seniak's contract is not due to expire until June 30, 2022. Also, per her contract, while she may request that Board consider giving her a raise, the Board does not have to act on that request. Finally, per the Board's counsel, any discussions/votes on extending the contract or changing the contract must be done open session so that the public is aware how the Board has chosen to spend/allocate our money. It would appear that the Board had discussions and voted on amending the Superintendent’s contract in Executive Session in violation of Open Meetings Law.

Meeting minutes can be viewed by clicking below:

June 11, 2019 Meeting Meetings

CRONM called the Board out on their continued abuse and misuse of Executive Session and violations of Open Meeting’s law.

Videos of the June 11, 2019 Meeting have not been posted on the District Website. CRONM has continued to video tape meetings. Videos of the June 11, 2019 Meeting can be viewed below:

Video first 45 Minutes

Video of Last Leg of Meeting

Video of Vote and “Discussion” about Seniak at 11:00 p.m. after Executive Session

While the Broad President and their counsel claimed that the Board was being transparent, the only thing transparent was Board’s agenda. They rushed to approve a 4th Amendment to Seniak’s already lucrative contract while Jennifer Hyland was still on Board and before Steve Enella took his seat. There was no exigency to this move. It was done by board trustees, Hyland, Corona, Miller, Gordon and Lentini who have consistently demonstrated that they have no regard or interest in advocating, representing, or safeguarding the interests of the North Merrick taxpayer and our children.

Lets not forget that under the watchful eye of Hyland, Corona, Miller, Gordon and Lentini, the Administrative Budget increased 4.5% from 2017-2019. Hyland, Corona, Miller, Gordon and Lentini permitted Seniak to spend tax payer money on non essential and unnecessary Administrative expenditures. (More on this later on year).

We will post the fourth amendment and full contract when it becomes available.

We know that you are frustrated. We are too. Until we clean house and take back our board, we will continue to be frustrated with the lack of transparency and abuse of Executive Session.

Channel your frustration to the May 19 2020 Board Election. Ed Corona and Tracey Miller’s seats are up in 2020. Lets vote them out and replace them with trustees without any hidden agendas and who put the needs of the taxpayer at the forefront.

Next Board meeting is July 2, 2019


Thank you to all residents who attended the Public Works Session and Board Meeting. A big congratulations to Mr. Thomas McDaid, Ms. Christina Moser and Ms. Lorraine Kramps for getting tenured!!! The speeches were beautiful and we are so happy for them and our District. We also want to thank Dr. Seniuk for addressing the Meet the Candidates Night confusion. Dr. Seniak clarified that Meet Candidates Night is not District run event and neither she nor District has a say in the format chosen by the PTA regarding to how residents would be able to ask questions. Per Dr. Seniak, the PTA Presidents have addressed the lack of uniformity for the format and have advised that moving forward there will be a uniform format established for Meet Candidates to come. Thank you to all three PTA for working together and coming up with the uniform solution! The meeting was video taped by the District. Their copy is way better than ours. We hope that they put up the video soon. In case they don't', we will post our video shortly. The agenda for the meeting can be viewed by clicking below:


Link to the Work Session on Programs. We encourage all residents to see what wonderful programs our taxes have been used to provide for our students. We wish that this was shown to the residents at the beginning of the year instead of week before elections.


Link to the Board of Education Meeting (3 Parts):

Part 1 Tenure Awards and Speeches


Part 2 Legislator McKevitt helps our school secure $150,000 grant for security


Part 3


The meeting was generally innocuous until we got to "New Business” part at the end. For the next 40 minutes Tracey Miller, Ed Corona and Vincent Lentini, attempted to address what they believed was misinformation on social media and what the Board could do to stop being portrayed in a negative light via social media. Nothing that either of the trustees addressed could be characterized or classified as new or old business. What each three did, which was obvious to any resident who was present at the meeting and anyone viewing the tape, was attempt to electioneer and undercut the candidates who were running for election. They specifically took apart and complained about posts on two Candidates Facebook pages that discussed District financials. We really are struggling to understand why the BOE is so focused on how they appear on social media instead of focusing on our children their programs. The Board wants to know why the residents are distrustful and their negative posts on social media. This is why. If they trustees want to stop being portrayed negatively, they need to stop behaving improperly.

Perhaps the most troubling and concerning of what occurred was that BOE Trustee Tracey Miller brought up Proposition 4 under the guise that she received concerning emails or calls from residents in the community about this proposition. She then went on to state that in her opinion, this proposition takes away residents' voices and it wasn’t well thought out Tracey then tried to get a discussion about the proposition 4 with the rest of the board trustees at which point the board lawyer politely pointed out that discussing and then providing an opinion on a proposition which is on ballot, by a sitting trustee, during a meeting, was not appropriate. Tracey Miller's attempt to discredit a proposition that she obviously disagreed with during a board meeting could not have been characterized as new business or old business, or any board business. It was electioneering at it finest and completely inappropriate and unethical. While Tracey is not running for a Board seat, if Proposition 4 is passed her tenure will end in 2020 and she will not be able to run for re-election until 2021. Her agenda for bringing up the proposition was the only thing transparent as the reason behind her statements.

During the last Public Comments section of the meeting, A resident came up to the microphone at the end to express her frustration with the BOE, specifically addressing how inappropriate it was for Tracey Miller to voice her opinion about Proposition 4 and Ed Corona to attempt to discredit social media posts. She was vocal but not disrespectful. You can view for yourself once the video is posted and come to your own conclusions. Instead of Jenn Hyland responding, which is the rule, Vincent Lentini decided to address the concerns raised by this Resident. Specifically telling this resident and the community how he objected to Residents coming up to the microphone and expressing their concern and frustration with how our current Board was behaving towards residents in community. Mr. Lentini basically said Residents "should think twice before they come to the microphone angry and make public comments." Its interesting that Mr. Lentini is objecting to Residents making complaints about BOE actions during public comments. We seem to remember Mr. Lentini being quite vocal and upset during an June 13, 2017 Board meeting about there being only one Kindergarten class at Fayette and Superintendent Seniak moving a teacher from Fayette to Camp Avenue. The Board Minutes memorializing Mr. Lentini's impassioned address from that meeting are attached.

About 5 minutes after the meeting ended, and our camera was off, the resident who made the public comment that was upsetting to Lentini went up to him to ask if she could speak to him about what he said. We did not hear the question asked. However, we did witness and overhear Mr. Lentini remark in an what we observed was an aggressive and angry manner to this resident, that she "better think twice before speaking - I can have you banned from future meetings" and was over heard by multiple witnesses yelling “you better watch your back!” at the resident. The resident then yelled back "are you threatening me?". At which point Mr. Lentini was observed walking up to the resident and getting into the resident's personal space, in a more aggressive and threatening manner, this time, sticking his finger in her face, and restating: "watch your back" and “you better watch what you say." The Superintendent, BOE Trustees, and other people in the room all saw this unfold. Another female resident had to physically place herself between the resident and Lentini and was overheard telling Lentini that his behavior was completely unacceptable, and unbecoming, and inappropriate and he needed to back off. Most importantly, " no man should get in the face of a woman like that." Lentini stormed off and yelled "watch your back" multiple times. We cannot believe that a BOE Trustee would behave this way. Mr. Lentini's behavior was disgusting, unacceptable, and in direct violation of his code of ethics and conduct as a Board Trustee.

This dysfunction has to stop. The current trustees (with the exception of Megan) have demonstrated that they have an utter disregard to the code of ethics and fiduciary responsibilities to this community. The only way to change the climate of our Board of Ed is to vote in new trustees. Trustees who will take their oath seriously and represent all residents, even those who disagree with their politics.

Please share this on your social media pages and let all residents know what is happening. We need to get more than 1,200 residents to vote on May 21, 2019. Otherwise nothing will change.

April 9, 2019 Board of Ed Meeting

CRONM attended the April 9, 2019 BOE Meeting. Usually we take the time to review and digest the video content before providing community our detailed report of what took place, but we’ve been contacted by members of the community asking us to post video because they can’t believe what they are hearing occurred. Below please find links to the videos posted.

Part I:


Part 2:


The video from the district website can be viewed here.

District Video

The meeting minutes can be viewed by clicking below:

Meeting Minutes
Some highlights include:

Part 1 – minute 18:00 – 23:00 Superintendent Seniuk talking about renovations/decorations to her office and why they were needed to clarify “misinformation out there” about her possibly misusing public funds to redecorate her office

Part 1 – minute 25:00 – 27:30 Superintendent Seniuk discussing reasoning for closing schools during breaks

Part 1 – minute 28:00 - 30:00 Superintendent Seniuk confirming that she and Board discussed selling/leasing of land behind Fayette land in executive session but providing justification for same

Part 1 – minute 31:00 – 35:00 President Hyland listing District's program accomplishments and accusing Residents who question the Board's actions and call them out via social media as being in appropriate and constituting “slander”

Part 1 – minute 46:30 – A resident asking a question about the Proposition she submitted to be voted on in the next election and saying that within 2 hours of her handing in the petition, a BOE trustee contacted residents who signed the petition and began pressuring them to withdraw support of this proposition

Please share this on your social medial pages and begin a dialogue with your neighbors. We need more people to become informed on what is happening so that they vote for the right trustees for upcoming May 21, 2019 election. Lets unite and be the ones to cure divide in our community. We cant do this ourselves, but we can do this if we all come together.

Please feel free to email CRONM with any questions or concerns. Thanks for everyone's support!


CRONM attended the Budget Meetings on February 12, 2019, February 26, 2019, March 12, 2019 and March 26, 2019.  Videos of those meetings can be viewed by clicking on the links below.






The hand outs for the February 12, 2019, 26th and March 26, 2019 Budget meetings can be viewed by clicking below.




At the March 12th Budget meeting there was good resident attendance and many people came with questions prepared. Unfortunately, the meeting started 5 minutes late and the first 40 minutes was a presentation by Ms. Friedman on the highlights of our curriculum and programs. The presentation was a fantastic description of what our children receive during the school day and Ms. Friedman did a good job presenting it in an organized and creative way. To view the presentation click on link below.



However, there was general frustration in the audience that this left 15 minutes Mr. McDaid to present a 29 page budget document and answer questions. CRONM was left disappointed by a few aspects of this timing with following thoughts:

 1) We don’t understand why Dr. Seniuk did not ask Ms. Freidman to show her presentation to our residents at the start of the school year during the regular BOE Meeting, so we know what programs our children will be receiving in school. In addition, members of CRONM have asked the BOE publicly, multiple times, for a work session on Programs. This information could have been shared at a scheduled session vs. the Budget meeting. We encourage every interested Resident to review the presentation and have asked that the BOE consider having Ms. Friedman present this at upcoming PTA meetings or an evening event so everyone has a chance to learn about what our children receive in school. She is extremely knowledgeable and a great asset to our District. This presentation show how are tax dollars are being spent on our children by District. 

 2)      Residents who choose to become Budget committee members take time before the actual Budget meeting to review the documents and come prepared with questions. They are genuinely interested in reviewing the Budget and understanding how our tax dollars spent. It was unfair to ask Mr. McDaid to present 29 pages to the community and take questions in a 15 minute time frame. He did an amazing job on the Revenue and Capital components at the February 12th meeting and really took the time to answer questions with the full hour allotted. This session felt extremely rushed. We appreciate that the BOE pushed back their meeting to 8:15pm but even with the extra 15 minutes, it was simply not enough time to review how 87+% our Budget expenses are projected to be allocated for the 2019-2020 year.

 3)      In years past, 3 budget committee meetings were held at 7pm and 2 were on separate dates from the scheduled 8pm BOE meetings. This allowed ample time for presenting the Budget and answering questions. See 2016-2017 Calendar here: https://www.nmerrickschools.org/cms/lib/NY02208807/Centricity/Shared/2016-2017%20Budget/Lay%20Budget%20Meeting%201%20Feb%20292016%20%20Final%20Version.pdf

This year Dr. Seniuk decided to change Budget meeting times. We have 2 meetings at 7pm that allow for 1 hour each due to the 8pm BOE meeting afterwards. The District did schedule an additional 2 meetings to allow residents to ask more questions about the budget.  Unfortunately, these two meetings were scheduled to start at 4 pm. CRONM asked Dr. Seniuk and the BOE multiple times, both publicly and via email, to change the time to the evening or during the school day since most Residents either work full time or care for their children (especially after school hours!). Our request was “taken under consideration” and ignored.  In the end 2 residents (2 were CRONM) attended the February 26th 4pm meeting and 4 residents (2 were CRONM) attended the March 26th meeting.. No BOE members came to the March 26th meeting. The Superintendent did not come to either 4pm meeting. We hope that District will go back to the original format as it allowed for more Resident participation and better communication.


Now onto the actual Budget! CRONM understands the most important information that our residents want to take away from the Budget meetings is 1. Will tax cap be pierced?  2.  Is the District spending our tax dollars on education and children?

  • The tax cap for 2019-2020 year will not be pierced if current budget is approved.  

  • The total estimated revenue from our taxes for the 2019-2020 year is $33,107,869.  Of that figure,  $24,022,165  is spent on the program component of the budget. This includes teacher salaries, instructional classes, music, art, wings, parent university, textbooks, special ed, supplies, art supplies, equipment, computers, science supplies ect...  The administrative costs which include salaries for Dr. Seniuak, Mr. Murphy, Mr. Carder, Mr. McDaid, Ms. Freidman, and administrative staff, total $4,403,367.  This leaves $4,682,337 to be spent on custodians and capital improvement projects.

  • Budget increased total $615,557.00. Of that amount, $349,954.00 went to cover the cost in insurance increases for teachers, administration and custodians. 60% of the increase in budget will go to cover increase in insurance costs.  

 From CRONM’s perspective, below are some points to consider:

1)      Administrative costs are increasing 4.69% for 2019-2020. Last year (2018-2019) they rose 4.3%. We are a 3 school district with generally flat enrollment. We question why a three elementary school district requires $4,403,367 to be spent on Administrative Costs.  We’d much rather see the $372,000 increase in Administrative costs the past 2 years go toward new school programming, additional teachers, and increased services for our kids.

2)      The Program component of the budget will increase 0.93%. We were excited to see an extra $15,000 in the budget toward extracurricular activities. The big theme within the numbers is that the District appears to be bringing more children back into our schools and provide them with the services they need. (ie: $81,000 decrease in tuition to other schools, $161,000 decrease to tuition to Boces, $244,000 increase in special ed salaries, $81,000 increase in contracted therapy services, etc). Information on students and their needs are private so we have to leave it at the numbers but it’s good to see that we are trying to provide children in our community with the option to stay within the district and meet their needs.

 3)      Health insurance for District employees continues to be a rising cost and challenge. While this is not just a North Merrick issue, the numbers are jarring. This year employee health insurance will cost $4,541,275 or ~ 13% of our 2019-2020 budget. In 2016-2017 employee health insurance cost $3,500,527. That’s a 29% and $1 million increase. Obviously we want our employees and their families to have high quality health insurance but this issue continues to be an “elephant in the room” challenge, especially if that run rate continues. CRONM has asked the BOE on several occasions how they plan to address this growing cost and there appears to be no plan in place. 

 A big thank you to Mr. McDaid for his work on the Budget and willingness to answer Resident questions both at these meetings and via email or office visits. 

Overall, while most of the 2019-2020 budget is being spent on programs,  we continue to watch and voice concern about the fiscal challenges that face our 3 school district and how the Board and District plans on addressing the expanding Administration and health insurance costs. 

If anyone has questions regarding the budget, please feel free to contact Mr McDaid directly via email or phone. 


A big thank you to all residents who came to the meeting. For those not able to make it, the last 20 minutes of the video can be viewed on link here. (We had a video camera issue that was not discovered until 30 minute into the meeting. These things happen when neighborhood volunteers are in charge of technology!)


Agenda for the meeting can be viewed by clicking below.


**The BOE is negotiating extending Superintendent's contract in Executive Session.

  • CRONM was at the "Special Meeting" scheduled for 6:15 pm. on March 12, 2019. We found out that this meeting was held for the BOE to discuss extending the Superintendent's contract. Dr. Seniak's contract is not set to expire until June 2022. During the meeting, CRONM inquired as to whether it was fiscally responsible for the Board to choose now, three years before the contract is set to expire, to discuss extending and increasing Dr. Seniak's financial package. We wanted to know what exigency existed for this to happen.

  • BOE President Hyland believed that it was fiscally responsible for the BOE to discuss extending the contracT. "Just because they were discussing extending the contract did not mean that the BOE would agree to change the 'financial' terms of the contract before it expired."

  • Counsel for the BOE was permitted to explain to the public that discussions about extending a Superintendent’s contract before it is set to expire are not unusual. More importantly, the decision or reasons why the contract should or should not be extended, are not appropriate for executive session and should be done in public session.

  • The BOE has never publicly discussed why it was in discussions with the Superintendent to extend or change terms of her contract. All discussions have been in Executive Session.

  • There was also no agenda posted for the March 12, 2019 special meeting nor were minutes posted.

  • While CRONM understands that a BOE discussing extending a Superintendent's contract is not unusual, (the BOE previously extended her contract in 2016) we find it unusual for the current Board to increase Dr. Seniuk’s financial package before the expiration of her contract. Especially with how tight our budget is and how much our Administrative costs have skyrocketed under the watchful eye of this BOE the last two years.

**The BOE decided what to do with the vacant Board Seat:

  • The BOE has decided to leave the Wendy Garguilo's seat vacant since there is less than 2 months left until the May 21, 2019 Board election. For the upcoming election, there are three seats up for re-election; Jenn Hyland's seat, Megan Ryan's seat and the seat vacated by Wendy Garguilo. Pursuant to the legal notice which will be posted in the Merrick Herald and Newsday on 4/1, 4/19, 5/3, and 5/17: The two candidates receiving the highest number of votes during the May 21, 2019 election (assuming that Megan Ryan is not one of those individuals) will complete the remaining terms of the two BOE seats expiring June 30, 2019. When those terms expire on June 30, 2019, these two trustees will continue to sit on Board until expiration of their term or June 30, 2022. The third trustee (assuming Jenn Hyland is not one of the the candidates to receive the the third highest votes) will commence their term on July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2022. It remains unclear why Megan Ryan, who was appointed by the Board to fill Steve Enella's seat, cannot just finish out her term for one month, assuming she does not win re-election.


  • There will be two propositions on the ballot asking the voters to approve and give the District permission to establish a new capital reserve fund to remain open for 5 years in the amount of $3,000,000. The money will be used for capital improvement facilities in the three elementary schools for such items as renovation of auditoriums, mechanical and electrical systems, sidewalks, ventilation, ect.... The second proposition is to permit the District to use $225,000 from the capital reserve fund previously established by voters on May 19, 2015 to fund renovations and improvement projects at Camp Avenue, Old Mill Road and Fayette schools. This action will not result in any additional increase to the taxpayers.

Mary Keane read a statement to the Board expressing her disappointment that BOE President Hyland permitted Susanne Winkel, a non resident, to publicly shame Mary for questioning the BOE as to why extra help was not included in the newly negotiated teacher contract. To read Mary's letter please click on link below.

Letter to Board

**Dr. Seniak wins recognition from National School Public Relations Association:

The National School Public Relations Associations, a private organization created to offer assistance in professional development opportunities and public relations to schools in the US, recognized Dr. Seniak as a "Superintendent to Watch" for 2018/2019. NSPRA gives this award to 14 district leaders who were selected from nominations received in the mail, for their use of communication technology in innovative and effective ways. They engage and inform their school communities with new communication technology tools combined with tried-and-true techniques.Congratulations to Dr. Seniak for her public relations skills!


**March 20, 2019 Special Meeting-

The BOE held yet another "Special Meeting" at 7:30 pm. Agenda for the meeting can be viewed below.


Thank you to residents who attended meeting. There was no public session of meeting and Board went immediately into Executive Session to discuss "approving letters of resignation for purposes of retirement (such letters to be submitted no later than 3:30 pm on April 1, 2019) by a minimum of at least two (2) full-time members of the teaching staff, upon the prior ratification and execution of an agreement with the North Merrick Faculty Association, the Board of Education authorizes the President of the Board of Education or the Superintendent of Schools to enter into, execute and deliver the agreement between the District and the North Merrick Faculty Association with respect to a retirement incentive." The Board spent 15 minutes on the above topics and voted to approve the letters. Megan Ryan and Jenn Hyland were not in attendance. Meeting was attended by Lentini, Gordon, Miller and Corona.

Next Board meeting is April 9. 


The BOE held a special meeting this evening at 5:30pm with notice given to the public at 2:30pm yesterday. Before the meeting went into executive session to “obtain legal advice from counsel,” Tracy Miller was appointed to the Bellmore Merrick Central High School District Board to replace Wendy Gargiulo. Tracy brings 18 years of high school teaching experience to the Board and we wish her the best in her new role.

Most surprising on the agenda though, was the BOE approval of a new contract with Syntax Communication from 2/27/19 to 6/30/19 for a cost of $2,800 on an “as needed basis”. For those not familiar with Syntax Communications, they are a consulting firm that specializes in helping School Boards with their marketing, branding, and communication. You can view their website here : http://www.syntaxny.com/expertise/strategic

There was no public discussion for why their services are needed and why the vote could not wait until the scheduled 3/12/19 BOE meeting.

We are struggling to understand why Residents’ tax dollars are being used to hire a consultant mid-year to help the Board with their messaging. Especially after the 2/12/19 Budget Presentation where Superintendent Seniuk and Assistant Superintendent for Business McDaid stressed how tight the Budget was with the rising costs of unfunded mandates, health insurance, the bond payment, and audits. This is yet another Administrative expense in an Administrative Budget that seems to endlessly increase.

You can view the meeting here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1CUCaqQkNs